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Which piercing suits me?

Photo: Elisia Badaró/pexels.com

Piercings are not just body jewelry. They have a long tradition in human history. Their particular advantage is that they are diverse and thus offer the opportunity to express the individual personality of their wearer. Since a piercing lasts a lifetime at best, it is important to choose body jewelry carefully. Because this is the only way to guarantee that it will give pleasure in the long term.

For those who are undecided, we have put together a small overview of which piercing best suits which type:

The natural guy

Natural types don't necessarily want to stand out, but still want to look good. As a rule, they do not like frills, but are close to nature and stand by their appearance. At Piercings the natural type likes the possibility of creating small attractive effects, for example with a delicate sparkling stone or a shimmering ring. Most natural types opt for smaller piercings. It is important to you that the body jewelry does not bother you and does not pose a risk of injury. The piercing should not pose a problem for hikes in nature or relaxing on the couch at the weekend. For people who feel they belong to this type, we recommend ear and ear plugs Nose piercings. These are generally easy to prick and require comparatively little effort to care for.

The adventurous type

The adventurous type likes to try new things. He likes challenges and is always open to new ideas. If the adventurer is interested in piercings, he usually has a whole collection of them and started adorning his body with all kinds of rings and rods at an early age. For the adventurous type, we recommend either adding to existing piercings - in number or size, or decorating a body part that doesn't already have jewelry. In this case, individual advice from a trusted piercer or studio is required. Current piercing trends are also a good orientation for people who have a little more experience.

The beau / beauty

The beau or beauty appreciates piercings mainly because of their attractive appearance. This type isn't concerned with the thrill of piercing or the sensations of touching the jewelry. His goal is to underline one's own optical advantages with the help of jewellery. Ear piercings of all kinds are usually a good idea here. Their advantage lies in the fact that they can be selected to match the color of the eyes and the style of clothing. Depending on your preference, a nose piercing can also achieve corresponding effects. Women of this type like to choose a bikini for the complete optical picture Navel piercing. Here, too, numerous variants are available.

The sensual type

Last but not least, there are numerous people who wear piercings also or exclusively because of the sensations associated with them. We recommend nipple, tongue and genital piercings of all kinds for them.

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