Dermal Anchor - The piercing that goes under the skin
Photo: Alexander_Evgenyevich/
Piercings are still popular with many people today. There is now hardly any area of the body that cannot be decorated with a chic piece of jewellery.
Piercers around the world are also constantly coming up with new ways to make their clients' bodies even more unique with innovative body jewelry. A piercing that gets under the skin in the truest sense of the word is the so-called dermal anchor piercing.
The following article explains what is behind the dermal anchor piercing and what needs to be considered if this body jewelry is to be found on your own skin in the future.
Dermal Anchor Piercing - That's behind it
The dermal anchor piercing represents one of the latest developments in the field of surface piercings. It can be counted among the type of single-point piercings and is also referred to as microdermal. Single-point piercings are basically characterized by the fact that they do not have a puncture channel with a typical entry and exit point. They only protrude from the skin at the end.
For some time now, dermal anchor piercings have been replacing previous surface piercings more and more frequently, as these were often not convincing in terms of their durability. In addition, modern dermal anchor piercings heal very quickly and easily in most cases.
The Dermal Anchor Piercing can be used on almost all parts of the body - even on those where a piercing had to be avoided until now. As a result, they represent a type of piercing in which the imagination and personal taste can be given free rein.
The dermal anchor piercing in the chest area
In general, the dermal anchor piercing is a very special and also intimate type of piercing. This applies in particular if it is attached to the nipple area, for example.
In this context, women should place a particularly high value on a trustworthy and experienced piercer. But men can also beautify their breasts with dermal anchor piercing. This not only increases sexual arousal, but also emphasizes the aesthetics of this part of the body.
As a rule, the dermal anchor piercing is pierced in the breast area through the outer nipple, i.e. the areola. However, it can also vary through the nipple Piercings placed at different heights and directions. The healing time is then usually around six weeks, but in some cases a longer healing time is possible, which can be up to six months. In addition, during the healing period, tight clothing should be avoided, at least in the chest area. You should also avoid replacing or removing the piece of jewelery at first.
Photo: Vershinin89/
The piercing of the dermal anchor piercing
At first glance, it may already be assumed that implanting the dermal anchor piercing proves to be extremely painful. However, for this reason, the piercing studios often resort to a local anesthetic when piercing this piercing.
In the first step, the body area where the dermal anchor piercing is placed is disinfected. This is followed by the incision, which means that the tissue and skin are separated. This step is performed using a scalpel. The individual layers of the skin are separated by the piercer and a kind of pocket is formed into which the anchor of the piercing is subsequently inserted. Before that, however, it is still necessary to punch a hole using a so-called dermal punch.
While the healing process is still going on, an attachment, which often consists of crystals or discs, is placed on the anchor. This reduces the risk of clothing getting caught on the fresh dermal anchor piercing.
What are the risks of dermal anchor piercing?
The risk of the wound becoming inflamed or of impurities entering the wound is a little higher with dermal anchor piercing than with conventional piercings. The reason for this is, among other things, that there is no puncture channel in the dermal anchor piercing, but a pocket is formed in the skin. In the respective body area, for example, the application of care products such as sunscreen or skin creams should therefore be avoided completely. The risk of them penetrating the fresh wound is simply too great.
Another risk is that - as already mentioned - clothing can get caught on the piercing, which is why covering the fresh piercing with an adhesive plaster is generally recommended. In addition, the plaster helps to ensure that there is no slippage of the piercing, which in turn could cause the dermal anchor tattoo to grow together.
As the dermal anchor piercing heals, discoloration of the skin may occur. The same applies to swelling, which is not uncommon. If the Dermal Anchor is used, there is also a risk of scar formation or, in severe cases, blood poisoning.
If the body rejects the newly inserted implant, it can grow out. However, there are no health risks to worry about. However, if the dermal anchor piercing is carefully cared for, the result turns out to be beautiful, original and impressive.
The right jewelry for the dermal anchor piercing
A dermal anchor piercing features an implant that sits beneath the skin. It is then possible to fix a threaded rod or a piece of jewelery to this. Their diameter is between three and six millimeters.
A dermal anchor piercing is often chosen to give an existing tattoo a particularly unusual and unusual look. Basically, it is recommended for the Dermal Anchor Piercing on the materials surgical steel or Titan recourse.